Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Muffin strikes again

Woke up this morning and walked into the bathroom to find this:

"What is that?" you ask? Why, it is Muffin, with half his body in my toilet bowl, drinking water. The fool's not even trying to stay dry.

You can only wonder what he'll come up with next...

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kristen,

    I came across your LinkedIn profile when I searched for Guiyang and saw that you were a UCSD alum around my age and thought I should reach out to you.

    I sent you a message via Facebook. Not sure if FB is blocked, , but I see you have access to blogspot for sure. If FB is blocked, would you please email me at darwingwang@gmail.com? I have some questions that I hope you wouldn't mind answering.

