Thursday, May 17, 2012

A Tale of Two Kitties

Well the time has finally come. Someone has offered to take guardianship of Muffin. Muffin is scheduled to be taken away this Saturday, and in honor of that event, I decided it was high time I record the tale of Tibby.

Some time last semester, Betsy inherited a cat from another foreign teacher at this school who left to go back to his home country. This cat's name was Tibby. The first night Tibby stayed with Betsy, he went buck wild, screeching and throwing himself at the walls. Betsy couldn't take it anymore and let him loose outside.

Unfortunately, that was not the last we saw of Tibby. Tibby refused to come back into the apartment, but he would routinely lurk outside my window and meow, which resulted in this:

And that is what Muffin sounded like on a good day. Usually he would literally wail. Now imagine that going on incessantly until Tibby ran away. It was awful.

Well, luckily one day Betsy came home and saw Tibby right outside her door! She let him inside, and he made himself at home. Eventually, she found a student willing to take Tibby and all was well.

Or so we thought.

Not long after giving Tibby away, Betsy came home, looking slightly disturbed, and said, "I think that Tibby was a fake."

Fake Tibby

Betsy had just seen another cat outside our apartments that looked strikingly like Tibby. The next day I also looked out my window and saw this:

Most definitely Real Tibby

It seems that Betsy had let in, taken care of, and given away an impostor Tibby!

Of course, that left me with more cat screeching until we moved apartments last April.

Moral of the story: Sometimes stray cats pretend to be evil house cats in order to get a nice home.

Muffin saying "Doh! We were all tricked!"


  1. Muffin stories are my favorite. I want to come visit you in China! -Janelle

    1. Better come quick! I am leaving at the end of June.
