Thursday, December 29, 2011

3D Apple Greeting Card

In Guiyang, there is a tradition for people to give each other apples as gifts for Christmas.

My pile of apples wrapped in ridiculous amounts of cellophane.

I wanted to make something for my students that was meaningful, and I really liked the idea of these recycled book crafts, so I decided to take my own spin on it and make a 3D apple out of a notebook!

First I grabbed some notebooks (not the spiral bound kind), and ripped off the cover.

Then I drew the outline of an apple and cut it out.

I colored the edges of the apple with a red marker. If I had spray paint or a red ink pad, I would've rather used that, but I'm in China. Those are luxuries I am not willing to go out of my way to obtain.

I wrote in a Christmas message on the pages of the apple and gently tugged on all the pages to fan them out. Then I glued on a little twig to one of the folds and voila! Paper apple! (I really wish I had spray paint or something but it's not bad!)

Hehe an apple on an Apple! Get it?
I probably won't make this for Christmas in America, but it might be a cute teacher gift if you put pictures of students or thumbprints with their signatures on the pages.  :)

Happy crafting!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Matcha Cupcakes with Cream Cheese Frosting

Made these green tea cupcakes for a Christmas party last week!

Got the cupcake recipe from here and the frosting recipe from here. The cake turned out a little bit dense, so next time I might try something different with the recipe. But then again, I don't have an electric mixer, so that probably changes something...

They looked and tasted good, though!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Things I Say To My Students

So I have this one student named Min Yu, and some of the other students and I were making fun of him one day...

MinYu: Hey! I am not a mean man!
Me: Oh but you are... a MIN MAN!

Haha >:)

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The Prodigal Cat: Epilogue

Ever since Muffin came home, he spends his days sitting right in front of my little space heater...

And when I turn it off to leave the house, this is what I find when I get back:

I think I know one cat who is never leaving a heated room again..

Saturday, December 10, 2011

The Prodigal Cat: A Christmas Miracle

If you have been keeping up with my blog, you probably remember that I am currently in possession of a certain cat named Muffin.

Muffin is generally not too much of a nuisance. He stays inside and sleeps for most of the day. At night he likes to snuggle up next to me for warmth, although that sometimes leads to me waking up with a cat butt in my face the next morning. It's true that Muffin has weekly vomiting episodes and every now and then will wake me up at 4 in the morning because he is screaming at a stray cat outside the apartment, but even Betsy has admitted that she grew a little soft spot for Muffin.

So when Muffin ran away last Tuesday evening and didn't come back, we were both shocked.

What happened was this: I had some students over for dinner, and Muffin was actually having a lot of fun jumping into their laps and being pet. For some unknown reason, however, when they opened the door to leave, Muffin dashed outside, ran down the stairs, paused for one moment to look back at me and meow a goodbye, and disappeared into the night. I ran down the stairs after him, but by the time I got to the bottom, Muffin was nowhere to be found.

Now let's remember, it is 32 degrees outside at night here, so it's literally freezing. Muffin has never lived outside before. In addition, Muffin is at least like 10 years old. He can't even catch mice. There is just no freaking way Muffin can survive out on the streets of Guiyang, so Betsy and I both assumed that Muffin would come crawling back home later in the night.

Well, the whole night passed, and then a whole day, and then another three nights and three days, and still no sign of Muffin. We had all pretty much lost hope.

This brings us to Saturday night. I'm in the kitchen putting some tortilla chips on my plate to make some nachos. Wendi, our teammate who was sleeping over at my place that night, was to my right, grabbing herself a plate. Betsy is walking into the kitchen when she asks, "Hey, should we have a memorial service for Muffin?"

We decide to throw a little service for Muffin at some undetermined time in the future and settle down for our girls' night. Three plates of nachos, one bag of popcorn, 12 cookies, many cups of soda, and one Twilight movie later, I am bringing the dirty dishes back to the kitchen when I hear a soft "meow meow meow" at my front door.

Shocked, I turn and give an "it can't be possible" look towards Betsy before I rush to the door. I crack the door open and in slinks in Muffin!

The excitement and the joyous cries of "Oh Muffin! You're back! Where have you been?" lasted for about one minute until we realized how utterly filthy this cat was.

Given that Muffin loves to climb onto beds, blankets, and people, and given that Muffin will cry all night if not given a warm place to sleep, we knew that we had to do something to clean this cat.

So where did you find Betsy and me yesterday night at midnight? Why, looking up "how to give a cat a bath" on Google, of course!

Luckily, Wendi was here to help document the whole thing.

Here are Betsy, me, and Muffin before the cat shower. I tried to waterproof myself as best as possible. Muffin was suspicious.

Betsy and I brought Muffin into the bathroom and locked the door. It was my job to hold Muffin down while Betsy washed him. The website said to use cat shampoo, but we didn't have that, so we used my Pantene Pro V. Muffin was unhappy.

 The finished product: an extremely ugly, extremely unhappy, semi-clean cat.

Of course, I did not escape without some battle scars. Thank goodness Betsy had Neosporin and Band-aids.

Moral of the story? Don't own a cat.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Construction Paper Holiday Wreath!

Hello, friends! Recently, I decided to continue my limited-resource holiday decorating by creating a Christmas wreath out of construction paper, and it turned out AWESOME! So I thought I'd share it all with you!

First, I cut out a wreath-shaped circle out of cardboard. The outer ring is 8 inches in diameter and the inner ring is 4 inches.

Next, I cut out about 50 circles from green construction paper. These were 2.5 inches in diameter.

I pinched the center of each circle, folding the rest of the circle into random ruffly shapes.

Next I just took some glue and glued a bunch of the folded/crumpled circles onto the outer perimeter.

Repeat for the inside perimeter.

Then I just filled in all the blank inside spots!

Finally, at the end I just added a little bow at the bottom to make it look festive.. if I had more beads or craft supplies, I might have added some red or gold balls to decorate the rest of the wreath, but I think it still looks fine the way it is!

Tada! Super easy and super cute!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Jump On It!

I thought that as a teacher, I would utilize all the knowledge I learned from all the research I studied in my linguistics and education classes in college. Instead, I find myself utilizing skills from every area of my life BUT my classes.

Case in point: I have somehow become the adviser for our department's dance club. I thought I would just have to oversee it and let the student leaders do their thing.


I find that not only do I have to learn the dances, I also have to teach them!

So of course, I started off simple. I thought teaching them the Jump On It dance, as seen in the Fresh Prince of Bel Air, would be a good introduction to dance and to western culture...

Looks like we've got a long ways to go...

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

I'm Making My Students Cry

I showed this video in my class this week, and every time I turned the lights back on after the video finished, I saw 30 teary-eyed faces looking back at me.

One girl even had to bust out the tissues because she was crying so hard.

I knew this was an emotional movie, but it has a happy ending! I didn't expect so much crying!

Anyway, since it seemed to have such an impact on my students, I thought I'd post the video up here for anyone who hasn't seen it yet:

Turn out the lights and prepare your Kleenex!

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Cardboard Christmas Tree Cutout

Thanksgiving is over, which means it is unofficially Christmas time!

People in China don't really celebrate Christmas like Americans do, so finding Christmas decorations is not exactly as simple as going to the nearest party store. In fact, I don't even know if party stores exist here.

That being said, without a bunch of department stores and malls showcasing holiday-themed gifts and radio stations playing Christmas music 24/7, feeling the "Christmas spirit" is a little difficult. All that really means is that I need to put a little more effort into creating a Christmas atmosphere in my home, so this weekend I made my own Christmas tree!

Technically, I COULD have just gone down to Walmart and bought a plastic Christmas tree, but I didn't want to spend the money on something I will only use for one month of one year.

So instead, I went to the little market next to my dorm and bought two big styrofoam boards (cardboard will work too). By some Christmas miracle, the boards were already painted green!

Next, because I am not really a good artist, I went on Google and found an outline of a Christmas tree that I liked. Even with the Google image as a reference, just drawing the tree outline freehand on the giant green board was too difficult for me, so I superimposed the tree picture onto a grid. I then drew a corresponding grid onto one of the green boards and drew the tree outline grid by grid.

Actually, the tree outline I chose was symmetrical, so I only did this for the left side of the tree. Then after I cut it out using a razor blade, I took the leftover section that I had just cut off, flipped it over onto the other side, and traced the right side of the tree onto the board.

After you cut out one tree, trace the outline onto the other board and cut that one out too, so  you end up with two identical Christmas tree cut outs.

Next, draw a straight line exactly down the middle of both trees. One one tree, cut a slit from the top to halfway down the tree. On the other tree, cut a slit from the bottom up to halfway up the tree.

Now comes the tricky part. Turn the two cutouts perpendicular to each other and using the slits you just cut, slide one tree on top of the other.

If all goes well, your tree should be able to stand up on its own like this!

And then as a party activity or kids craft you can have people make their own paper ornaments and tape them onto the tree branches!

I had some little helpers make ornaments for the tree!

Happy crafting!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Things My Students Say: Enjoy Yourself Beauty

I am saying goodbye to students, signing off their instant messaging program...

Mike  05:50:01
i will do my assignment now,enjoy yourself beauty!

Me: What was that even supposed to mean?
Betsy: Maybe go look in the mirror for a while.

Any guesses?

Friday, November 4, 2011

Things My Students Say: Name Change

Hope: Teacher, I want to change my English name.
Me: Okay, what do you want to change it to?
Hope: I wanted a meaningful name, so I want to be Shell. Because I like seashells very much. They are so strong.
Me: ......

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

More Hotpot!

Last weekend Vicky and Christina came over to cook some delicious hotpot with me! It was just clear soup with veggies, tofu, pork, and mushrooms, but it was so yummy!

Here's Christina washing veggies!
First, Vicky used the fat from the pork to make some oil.

She put it in the pot, added water and salt, and there was our soup broth! After that we just dumped in tofu, meatballs, pork slices, and mushrooms, brought it to a boil, and it was ready to eat!

So easy and so delicious! Of course, the best part was the dipping sauce of ground dried chili peppers and green onions. Yum! So spicy and flavorful! I don't think I can eat hotpot without it anymore.

Monday, October 31, 2011

English Dept. Basketball Tournament

Yesterday was a pretty busy day with the Halloween party, but it was made even more busy by the basketball tournament being held by the English department. It turns out that the team from one of my junior classes made it all the way to the final game against a senior team. Unfortunately, their final game was during our class.

The class, however, was able to persuade me to reschedule our whole class to today at noon after much negotiating. (And by that I mean one of the students on the team came up to me and said, "Can we reschedule our class to tomorrow so we can all go to the game?" and I said "Yeah, sure.")

So of course I took this opportunity to introduce some American sports culture to the class.

Making posters at my apartment. Yes, that is my laundry hanging.

When we got to the basketball court, I was surprised to find a very formal looking seat for myself and the other foreign teachers.

Not that this stopped me from cheering and yelling the whole game. I think all the Chinese students and teachers were shocked at how loud Betsy and I could get.. But this only encouraged my class to cheer louder! Luckily, the dean thought it was hilarious and asked me how I got my class of juniors to act like they were freshmen again.

My class, cheering in the stands.
My students are in the red jerseys.

After a close game, my class's team came back from behind to win the championship!

My students are the champions! Look at those fancy flags they get.

It was nice to see my class get excited about something. If only they would get excited about English too...

Halloween Party Recap!

The various Halloween in-class parties and last night's official Halloween party were all successes! Students had fun making costumes, playing games, dancing, and watching the Thriller music video.

The freshmen
More freshmen. The girl with the leaves is dressed up as "nature

Eric, the mummy, wrapping Bruce during the mummy icebreaker. Eric won our costume contest later.
Of course, in the middle of our dance party, somebody puts on the Chinese version of the bunny hop....

Overall, I think everyone had a great time :)

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Easy Halloween Decorations

The other foreign teachers and I decided to throw a Halloween party for our students this year! China, however, does not celebrate Halloween, so we soon realized that we could not just go to the store and buy a bunch of ready-made Halloween decorations.

In fact, I think we are all starting to realize that LOTS of things come ready-made at the store in America. Laurie was telling a story about how she was trying to explain to students that in America, soup comes already cooked in cans and all you have to do is heat it up. When I think about it, that does seem kind of weird and space-age-ish.

Anyway, so now we are forced to make our own Halloween decorations with our limited resources, and it has actually been fun and not too difficult!

I painted a little backdrop for students to take pictures in front of.

After a mere hour and a half of painting
Some students cut out bats and attached them to string, but my personal favorites are the cut out jack-o-lanters, ghosts, and bats from construction paper!

These are REALLY simple to make, but in case you don't know (and many students here did not know), I can show you!

First, cut out a strip of paper!

 Then, fold over one end of the strip as big as you want your cut-out to be.

Fold the rest of the strip back and forth until you get a zig zag, trying to keep each fold the same size as the original one.

With the folds on the left and right sides of the paper, draw your character on the top flap of paper. Remember to have the picture run off the sides with the folds. A student was making this and decided to draw a flower right in the middle of the paper - I told her it wouldn't connect but she didn't understand me. So when she cut it out she just got five pieces of paper cut out in a shape of a flower. She was embarrassed.

I drew a bat!
Then cut it out (cut through all the folds!)

Unfold it, add some faces, and you're done!

So easy, right? And they look really cute all hung up as decorations! I am looking forward to our Halloween party! I will be sure to post pictures later :)

Don't these ghosts look cute hanging across my doorway?