Friday, May 4, 2012

Pinterest Trial: Rainbow Sprite

Recently I found myself with some free time on my hands. In America I usually like to do crafts and cook things whenever I find myself with lots of free time. Here in China, my resources are limited, and even though I see so many fun things on Pinterest to try, I am not able to!

When I saw this rainbow drink pin on Pinterest, though, I thought I should give it a try, since it doesn't require many ingredients.

Welllll, I went to the store and bought as many different colored juices as I could.

Then I froze them.

Then I put them in a cup and poured sprite over it.

Meh, not so colorful. The ice cubes started dissolving right away and it turned into a funky color. I think I saw someone put online that they froze Kool Aid instead of fruit juice, which makes a little more sense, cause what kind of real fruit juice is so pigmented in all colors of the rainbow?

In conclusion, I would call this a halfway success. I guess I could try it again, but in reality, I don't really like soda anyway because of all the sugar. It was fun, though! Maybe I'll stick with things that I actually would want to eat after I make it :P

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